Please consider a gift to Lawrence + Memorial Hospital. Your tax-deductible gift helps us serve our patients with extraordinary care and supports the programs, services and state-of-the-art technologies that impact + save lives, close to home.
Lawrence + Memorial Hospital is fortunate to have a strong network of supporters, which has been increasing steadily over the past several years. Philanthropy has always been the lifeblood of this institution, and the Hospital has been able to transform itself into a modern health system because of the dedicated commitment of many donors.
Please Make a Gift online or send your gift to:
Lawrence + Memorial Hospital
Attn: Office of Development
365 Montauk Avenue
New London, CT 06320
Questions? Please contact:
Office of Development
[email protected]
A bequest to L+M Hospital honors a special story of opportunities in a new country.
To say that husband-and-wife attorneys Linda Mariani and David Neusner lead busy lives would be an understatement. However, when the call for philanthropic support went out from Lawrence + Memorial Hospital at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the plea hit especially close to home for Mariani.